Post #3

Supreme Court Video

In class we watched a video regarding The Supreme Court where it covered exactly what the judicial system functions are and what major details surround the Court. This video was very interesting for me to watch because I only had some brief knowledge on the Supreme Court from previous classes and my own understanding but watching this video allowed enhanced my understanding of the minor details of this system and really went further in depth in explaining the material that makes up the Supreme Court.
The Supreme court consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and such number of Associate Justices as may be fixed by Congress. The number of Associate Justices is currently fixed at 8. Power to nominate the Justices is vested in the President of the United States, and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate. During a hearing there is not just one or two judges but a total of nine Supreme Court judges that come together, discuss the case, and come to one consensus and decision. This really puts pressure on the defense attorneys to make sure that their cases are full of evidence, thorough, and strong because they are convincing nine total people. 

There are an abundant of requests from fellow citizens and individuals requesting that the Supreme Court take on certain cases but due to such a high demand the Court only accepts around 100 petitions each year.  In the video it explains that one day of the week the Justices gather together to discuss which case they will accept. This Court is the highest Court in the federal judiciary of the United States and holds quite a prestige title. After watching this video I am very amazed at all the history, traditions, rules, and work that surrounds The Supreme Court. 


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